Cyclone Center Talk

What does everyone think of the new look?

  • Knappster by Knappster scientist

    Hi has a new look!

    Tell us what you like!

    What other changes would you like to see?



  • Struck by Struck moderator, translator

    Good evening Knappster,

    a summary of commentaries about the update did we write here:

    Possible suggestions for new features:

    • Public/Global Collections, where (civil-) scientist can collect together their pictures in the same collection.
      Discussion Topic about Global collections
    • I am not sure, if the feature is implementated here now, but sometimes the feature to create annotations on storm-pictures in 'Discussion-Topics' was a really helpful tool to make an analysis
    • A zooming option for images by clicking on it to localize some elements of a storm on a better way
