Help understanding this image!
Hi there,
I am trying to better understand this image. In the center of the storm, is there no precipitation because it is white?
Also, what would these clouds be like?I am just starting to follow the weather, so any explanations you may have would be greatly appreciated.
by peterthorne moderator
Hi Madeleine,
the colours in all these images are denoting the cloud top temperatures. The mauves, reds and oranges are rather warm clouds which means they are relatively low clouds (relatively limited vertical extent). The blues and whites denote cold / very cold clouds. These will be very deep clouds of great vertical extent. The white clouds are likely all the way to the tropopause (15-20Km). The white clouds are likely where the storm centre is. Here it shall be windiest but I would also expect it to be very wet.
Thank you for your help!
I just want to confirm, this would be considered an embedded storm?
by peterthorne moderator
Yes, this is a relatively strong embedded storm.
Great. Thank you