Cyclone Center Talk

different image on talk than classification?

  • Quia by Quia

    The image I classified is different than the one that's linked to from 'Discuss the image'

    This is what I got to classify:


  • peterthorne by peterthorne moderator

    I have noticed this too with a few images. I shall raise it with the science team.


  • DZM by DZM admin in response to peterthorne's comment.

    Keep me posted, @peterthorne ... let me know if I need to take it up with devs. Thanks!!


  • peterthorne by peterthorne moderator

    I'm still seeing a mismatch between the classified images and what the storm in profile and chat is. I'm hoping that you are getting the image I am classifying otherwise in some cases there is a large mismatch in intensity between what was classified and what the science team will think was classified. It almost looks like an image registry problem plus a colors mis-match issue. The classified images seem systematically colder.


  • DZM by DZM admin in response to peterthorne's comment.

    Have you heard back from the science team about this? I can put a bug report through about it if you haven't.


  • peterthorne by peterthorne moderator

    Nowt yet. I started consciously looking for such cases. It may be images that were taken by two satellites (they all overlap with one another) and the distinct view angles lead to distinct storm colors etc. If I am asked to classify the limb-image and the image shown when discussing is of the same storm but from the more overhead satellite that may explain it. May ...


  • DZM by DZM admin in response to peterthorne's comment.

    Okay, let me know if you want me to bring anything to a dev. 😃


  • Knappster by Knappster scientist

    These are different images. I think Developers should check this out since we on the science team were assuming that the shown storms match the talk storms.


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Alright, I'm putting through a bug report. I hope, at least, that this is a rare case!
