Collection: Eye storm
by Struck
A collection about eye-storms
by cch001
I hope so - try to send some my way!
by Struck
Thank you cch001 for your description. Maybe I will find more #eye-storms, so I can do an update here.
by cch001
The eye itself forms because air sinks in the middle of strong storms. Sinking air warms and the clouds there evaporate, creating the eye
by cch001
All the strongest storms have eyes. The water must be very warm and there must be little wind shear (change in wind direc./speed w/height)
by Struck
Okay. Special thanks to you for your answer. I have an other question to these storms. Which requirements must be there to develop an #eye?
by cch001
Eye storms are the strongest storms. Also, warmer eyes and colder #eyewalls (clouds surrounding the eye) indicate stronger storms
by Struck
Thank you for your answer cch001. Yes,#eye-storms are very special storms in this case.Is there a trend, what kind of storms has more power?
by cch001
Good question about SH eyes. I know that NH storms are more numerous than SH so by pure numbers you will see more NH eyes
by cch001
#Eyes have very low clouds, which are warmer than the higher clouds. Some eyes can be cloud free, so the satellite senses the ocean temp
by fezzik
Looks like no southern hemisphere eyes. Are they more rare?
by Struck
Right, I will try to update the collection at any time, because these kinds of storms are my favorite.
by fezzik
Nice collection of eye storms! Are these all ones that you've classified?
by Struck
In these cases I want to ask a question. Always by focusing on #eye I ask myself,why a #eye-circle has a higher temper. than surround. area.
by Struck
A small collection about #eye-storms.I really like that.It's surprisingly that I found often #eye-storms near to the coast of United-States.