Unable to classify
by baha23
I'm getting the message, "Sorry, this storm has run out of subjects. Pick another storm from the list on the homepage.Or you can chat on Talk for a while" as soon as I sign in,when I click on the featured storms, and also when I click classify a storm.
by peterthorne moderator
Thanks for alerting us to this baha23. Just to clarify: are you finding this for all 4 featured storms plus to classify a random storm? I have before (rarely) managed to do all imagery of the four featured storms but I have not, yet, run out of random storm options. Have you classified very many storms before? We had this issue with our most active user who had classified every image at the time hosted on the server but this should not be the issue. It might help tech folks to know what OS and what browser(s) you are having issues with. I will alert them to this post.
by baha23
I'm able to classify now.