Cyclone Center Talk

What do I do with messed-up images?

  • kosmala by kosmala

    I've been given an -- i.e. it's a messed up satellite image. What should I do with it?


  • sestevens by sestevens scientist

    Hi, and welcome! This looks like an instance where you are seeing an image on the #edge of the satellite's view, what we call the limb. Under the #other category, you should see one called "Edge." That is most likely what has happened here.


  • kosmala by kosmala

    So when I'm asked "which is stronger?" and given this image along with another more easily recognized image, what am I supposed to answer?


  • sestevens by sestevens scientist

    We'll leave that decision up to you! If one still appears stronger, you can still pick that one, but if you genuinely can't make heads or tails of what's there, then I would say to go with "about the same".


  • cch001 by cch001 scientist

    Yes, this is clearly bad data. So it really won't matter to us what you choose with regards to the "which is stronger" question. But I would do what Scott (sestevens) suggests and just choose "about the same"


  • carl_schreck by carl_schreck scientist

    Even though it's #bad-data, it does look pretty cool. Kinda like the rings of Saturn.
