I'm experiencing a frustrating bug
by alexob6
I've encountered a bug on the "pick the stronger storm" screen that could potentially cause some problems. If the stronger storm is the left one, then after choosing it and clicking continue, it continues with classification using the image on the right. The image on the left is highlighted as usual, but it's as if the program (software? website? not sure what to call it.) chooses to ignore my selection. This seems occurs about 30 to 45 percent of the time. It probably occurs more often since my estimate is based off how many times this has happened to me out of the times I've chosen a storm, and not out of the times I've chosen the LEFT storm. I hope this gets fixed soon, because I think it could seriously throw off your data.
Also, just so all the possibly relevant information is available to you: I'm using chrome, and my computer is a fairly old macbook pro that's always misbehaving.Posted
by alexob6
actually, I think it's happening almost every time I pick the left storm
by alexob6
yup, everytime
by sestevens scientist
Hi, Alex!
This is not a bug. The classification you do will always be for the storm on the right, because that is the actual "subject" of your classification. The purpose of the "Which is stronger" question is to determine if the storm is getting weaker or stronger. The image on the left is actually the same storm from 24 hours prior. So by asking which is stronger, we're able to get a good idea of whether the storm is strengthening, weakening, or staying the same 😃
I hope that clears it up! If not, please let us know. Thanks!
- Scott
by alexob6
I was starting to suspect that that was the case. I think that in order to avoid future confusion, there should be a more detailed tutorial. It should probably be separately accessible, like the tutorials for the other zooniverse projects.