Cyclone Center Talk

Subject: ACC0000wdu

Subject ACC0000wdu Full subject data (JSON)


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Hi Struck ,I just had a doozzie I got 60 images for ACC0000wdu but also the reference images changed back to front for the storms and for


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    the curvature references and then changed to correct ,only to change again back to front like mirror images.Ian shocko61


  • cch001 by cch001 scientist

    The hemisphere that the storm is in determines which reference images you see. I can only guess that this storm crossed the Equator


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Hi and thank you cch001 yes that makes sense I have not had that happen before . Iive and learn lol


  • cch001 by cch001 scientist

    But look at the IBTrACS data - the storm did not cross the equator. And, that does not tend to happen, at least for an organized storm
